Dave Maddox

Consultant and Project Director

What do you get when you cross a marketing director, advertising executive and seasoned market researcher? Dave Maddox, a talented and creative project director and senior analyst with 25 years of experience. Clients find his common sense approach and to-the-point reporting refreshing and useful.

Before joining WestGroup Research in 2002, Dave had held positions with home builder T.W. Lewis, advertising agency E.B. Lane, and Circle K Corporation.

In addition to his work with clients, Dave also serves on WestGroup’s Board, and as in-house marketing director. Dave holds a BA in Communication from Arizona State University and has also taught classes at ASU West. Dave has also presented at local and national research conferences, and you may have seen him on local news, dissecting each year’s crop of Super Bowl commercials.

Prior to entering the marketing field, Dave worked as an air traffic controller and as a PGA Golf Professional. His closest brush with fame came in 1993 when he played 18 holes of golf with Michael Jordan.

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At Westgroup Research, we promise to...

  • Tell the truth: We have built our business with a commitment to tell clients the truth even if it hurts.
  • Be Objective: Every report and recommendation from WestGroup presents interpretations based on research findings, not on pre-conceived ideas.
  • Use innovative research designs and state-of-the-art statistical tools to enhance the quality of the study.
  • Listen to our clients and always keep their best interest in mind.
  • Deliver the highest quality research at the lowest possible cost.
  • Keep all client information strictly confidential and use the information only to conduct the requested research.
  • Protect our clients' study data so that it is available for client eyes only.